Monday, May 5, 2008

Wii would like to play

The Nintendo Wii came out in 2006, selling more units then Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 in the first half of 2007 combined. Wii is the fifth generation console by Nintendo, that competes with older consoles that are seventh generation. What makes Wii so great?, The Wiimote is a wireless controller thats use a pointing device, can detect acceleration in three dimensions. The Wii can also hook up wirelessly to the internet, for updates and it has a web browser powered by Opera . It is also backwards compatible with gamecube's controllers and games.
After first getting the Wii, it took me awhile to get used to how it worked because it was so different then any video game I have ever played. Playing alot of Wii Sports, which is Baseball, Bowling, Tennis , Golf and Boxing and something extra called Fitness test in one game, helped me get a feel of the system. The fitness test is great because it tells you after you finish your balance, speed and stamina and gives your mii's(your character) age.

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